Sunday, February 20, 2011

Art of Living - 4 day course

I took a 4 day 'Art of Living' course and i must say i had a very interesting experience. The biggest thing out of the session was the fact that breathing in a right pattern can make a lot of difference in the way you handle life's situations.

I will be adding more here..but need some time...

Questions asked in the session:
These questions look simple in the outset but have a very deep meaning. Interesting thing to notice in the session was, everybody had a different perspective and it was good to know there were so many ways to see it.

What is that you want in life?
What bothers you a lot?
What do you expect from this course?
When did you come to this planet?
How long do you propose to stay on the planet?
What do you intend to do during your stay?
What do you take responsibility for?
What do you not take responsibility for?
What do you need to be Happy?
When will you be Happy?
Who are you?
What are you?
Where are you?

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