Sunday, February 20, 2011

Art of Living - 4 day course

I took a 4 day 'Art of Living' course and i must say i had a very interesting experience. The biggest thing out of the session was the fact that breathing in a right pattern can make a lot of difference in the way you handle life's situations.

I will be adding more here..but need some time...

Questions asked in the session:
These questions look simple in the outset but have a very deep meaning. Interesting thing to notice in the session was, everybody had a different perspective and it was good to know there were so many ways to see it.

What is that you want in life?
What bothers you a lot?
What do you expect from this course?
When did you come to this planet?
How long do you propose to stay on the planet?
What do you intend to do during your stay?
What do you take responsibility for?
What do you not take responsibility for?
What do you need to be Happy?
When will you be Happy?
Who are you?
What are you?
Where are you?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Interesting websites and iphone apps


Brief overview of the website:

“Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration” — Thomas Edison

At 99%, Behance's think tank, we focus on what happens after inspiration—researching the forces that truly push ideas forward. Our profiles of proven idea makers, action-oriented tips, best-practices sessions, and annual conference are all designed to help you transform ideas from vision to reality.

iphone App:

Lucy Phone

Check this out... Saves time with customer support.
It does the waiting when you need to talk to a customer rep and calls you when there is a customer ready to talk to you.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Chicken Biryani

This recipe is prepared for 8 people which came out well.
Chicken Quantity 4lbs
Biryani Rice -6 glass (Black and Decker rice cooker glass :-) )
1) Marinate chicken with the below ingredients and keep for an hour.
Lavangalu -7
Yalakkulu -5
Biryani Leaves
Ginger Garlic -2.5 spoons
Perugu -5 spoons
Chicken Biryani Masala -2 spoons

2) After you put Chicken to marinate, take 6 cup biryani rice in a bowl and add water to the bowl so that the rice is completely drowned. Let's call it rice bowl.

Go get a drink while Chicken and rice get ready for the feast....

Now the actual process....provided an hour is complete

Drain the water from the rice bowl . Completely.
In your rice cooker, add 1 1/4 water for each glass of rice and turn it on. Add some salt to the water and let it boil. I am not insane...let it boil...
While the water is getting heated..
Put 2 spoons ghee in a Pan and
2 cinnamon
4 lavanga
4 yalakkaulu
biryani leaves

fry the mixture for less than a minute and add rice to it. Feel free to add Kaju to the above ingredients before adding rice.

After the rice is fried, put it in the rice cooker which already has boiling water.
Let it cook until the cook switch in the rice cooker comes to warm.

In the mean time let's cook the chicken...

Take another Pan
fry some onions and 4 chillies
Put the marinated chicken in the pan and cook for 10 minutes.
Add some tamarind paste and water. Cook for 10 more minutes.
Add Chicken biryani masala 2 spoons and Chilli powder as needed.
Cook till a thick gravy is formed.

Remove it and let's do the final step...

Take an aluminum tray..put the below in the order provided
Fried onions

cover it with an aluminum foil and make sure there are no gaps.

Put it in the oven for 30 minutes ..Temp 400F

Take it out after 30 minutes...mix it well and serve hot..
To make it restaurant style boil some eggs too..

Have fun people...

Courtesy Mahesh Macha....

Thursday, July 8, 2010

First Day

Blogging for the first's been a decent day so far...will keep posting more after the blog setup is done.